Lost at War
Synopsis Cast

This is a Twilight Zone type story that involves five soldiers out on a mission. And they soon find themselves stuck in a foxhole in an apparently deserted camp. Then strange things begin to happen. For one they are surrounded by strange creatures shrouded in black who do not fire on them or attempt to hurt them in any way but still they stay out there watching, almost as if waiting for something. And this, along with other things that happen, cause these men to question whether they are alive or dead. And that is where their struggle begins. Frequent flashbacks to each of the five soldiers lives show the people in their lives that at one point interacted with another soldier of the squad.

Ted Prior, Jack Vogel, James Hayward Brinkley, Jim Hazelton, Adam Mayfield, Billy Hayes, Marisa Karl

Year 2007
Director David A. Prior
Studio All American Pictures
Genre Sci-Fi, Thriller
Age 12+

Resolution: 1080p
Duration: 89min
Audio language: ENG
Subs language: EST

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